Stretches to improve flexibility

HI! I’m sharing with you MORE self-care health tip REELs I’ve been posting on Instagram and Facebook – they are going strong! If your friends and family are not on social media, send them HERE to my BLOG where I post all my Reels and you can browse them easily.

These Stretch Video Demos are sped up so I could fit them into a short Reel. But you should practice these stretches and poses much slower! Please take your time to achieve my level of flexibility, which I’ve developed over a lifetime of dance and yoga training. Stay within YOUR personal range of motion and DO NOT CREATE  PAIN! – smile and breathe –  xomj

6 Stretches for the Spine – variation

Leggings by Outi Harma @outiart

1. Folding forward, 2. Arching back, 3. Side stretch to right, 4. Side stretch to left, 5. Twist to right, 6. Twist to left.

This demo is sped up, so it only takes 1 minute. But YOU should SLOOOW DOOOOWNNN and do each position for a much longer time. I suggest taking at least 2 minutes in each stretch or pose. 6×2=12 minutes minimum to run thru this sequence.

My training in Integral Hatha Yoga taught me yin yoga asanas, based on traditional Yoga ie: 8 limbs of The Wheel. When you include Breath, Awareness, Sound and Intention in your stretch routine, you are practicing Integral Yoga. True Rejuvenation!


Upper Body Stretch, using a strap, and a tree

Activate your Arch! This video demo is sped up. Please use these ideas for your own stretching program, and TAKE TIME to go thru your personal ROM: Range of Motion.

See how I keep making the strap tighter/shorter, by wrapping it around my left wrist, as I get loosened up. This sequence is for opening up your pects, chest, and shoulders, prepares you for full body arch: backbend. 

I recommend staying 2 minutes in each position, and if you want to gain flexibility, take 3-5 minutes, and feel the taffy-like release # of your “limit” let you shift deeper into your potential! Yin yoga succeeds because your fascia needs time to become more gel-like. #thixotropy


Hip + thigh openers: pigeon, cow, splits

Lower Body stretches to prep for splits and create fuller range of motion. This video is sped up, the sequence is my personal practice, I’m sharing possibilities for your own stretches. It is a demo of advanced flexibility, so be sure to work within your personal range.

Go slowly, I suggest 2-3 minutes on each stretch or pose, especially take longer to go from king pigeon, to holding your back leg. Once you are warmed up, you can try full lotus, lay down on tummy, and float legs up into swan, and then middle split, see end of reel.

Marci Javril

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