Here’s a great collection of healthy habits & activities I include in my VIP Spa Wellness Days, as well as in my private and corporate sessions.

Enjoy this free PDF which contains links for video demos. Keep it handy to give you inspiration and easy reminders of your strategy for avoiding your next health crisis!

CLICK to DOWNLOAD: Essential Preventive Health Habits

**PDF also contains BONUS List of creative activities
**Plus – YOUTUBE LINKS for 16 Free Video Demos on Self-Care Health Habits

#1. LYMPH MASSAGE is first on my list! – increase immune lymphocytes & T-cell activity, flush out mucus & microbes. Caution: a fever means that lymph nodes are overwhelmed, so massage should not be done until temperature is normal again.

#2. OIL Pulling – Take 1 teaspoon of organic coconut oil and squish it in your mouth first thing every morning, it grabs bacteria and deep cleans your gums. Spit out in garbage, not sink.

#3. Drink warm LEMON WATER – First thing after oil pull, and through out the day. Also great  to add anti-microbal GSE Grapefruit Seed Extract drops. Can also add electrolytes.

#4. Salt-Water FLUSH ENT  (ear nose throat) – SQUIRT your nostrils one at a time & snort out mucus, using bottle of sterile saline (for eyes), or saline nose spray. Better & more hygienic than a neti pot, GARGLE with salt water/saline or diluted hydrogen peroxide. SCRAPE your tongue!

#5. DRY SKIN BRUSHING – Use a rough washcloth, natural bristle brush, or your fingernails. Gentle, repetitive feathering strokes towards the heart, that stretch the skin layers, will TICKLE, and increase lymphatic circulation. You can also use brush wet in the shower and scrub, for exfoliation. 

#6. BOUNCE / Antigravity – Play on a Sports Ball! better than a mini-trampoline, it’s safer & more versatile. Sit on couch, use ball like a footstool, and BOUNCE legs. Lay on floor and ELEVATE your legs onto ball.

#7. ELEVATE/ inversion – put your LEGS UP as high or higher than you heart as often as possible, with footstool, pillows, or lean them against wall. YOGA inversion poses are great – make it easy & comfortable at your own ability: down-dog, shoulder stand, or bring legs over head, arch backwards on edge of couch, or use ball.

#8. HUM/SING/BREATHE – Sound vibrates the Vagus Nerve, which is closest to the skin surface directly behind the ear lobe. You can also rub the boney area very slowly and gently to activate. Deep abdominal breathing balances the autonomic nervous system, kicking in the para-sympathetic rhythm, switching out of flight/flight and stress. 

#9. VISUALIZE – pure ocean blue. THINK LOVELY THOUGHTS. Positivity has a dramatic effect, reducing stress, inducing relaxation. Mentalize your “happy place” with people & beauty that comforts your heart & soul. Put blue light bulbs around your home.

#10. EPSOM SALTS Bath – Use 1-2 cups Mineral Salts, can add 1/2 cup baking soda. Essential oils or herbs are optional. In the shower, combine soap & salts in your hand, wet yourself down, turn off water and scrub all over. Rinse well, this will have a similar effect, drawing out toxins through the skin. 

#11. REFLEXOLOGY – Roll heel, arches & toes on a footsie roller, or wear reflexology inserts in shoes or slippers. Use 2 tennis balls tied together inside a sock, and roll entire bottoms of feet over them. Press with your thumbs & fingers, or use a vibrating massager to relax your feet. Bottoms of your feet contain reflex points for all internal organs and body parts, so pressing on them will activate health & balance.

#12. SPINE MASSAGE – Use 2 tennis balls tied together inside a sock and roll them on either side of the spine for a great massage. Lay on floor, or lean against a wall, or sturdy couch. Use a vibrating massager to relax shoulders and upper back, by leaning up against it, support with pillows, on a chair or couch.

#13. STRETCH SPINE R.O.M. Range of Motion – The spine is designed to move thru 6 directions (bend forward, arch back, side stretch R+L, twist R+L). A thorough sports warmup, stretch, Thai massage, yoga, or chiropractic routine will encompass testing & trying to equally strengthen & elongate all 6 of them. To make a permanent change in elasticity, you MUST HOLD at the line of resistance for AT LEAST 90-120 seconds. [no pain, no bouncing].

#14. SUPPLEMENTS (suggested) – Vitamin C up to 1,000mg every 4 hours. Vitamin D3,  Omega 3-6-9, Turmeric & Black Pepper Formula, Kyolic Garlic, water clustered Silvercillin Liquid (NOT colloidal), Probiotic, Enzymes, Electrolytes, Daily Vitamin&Mineral age appropriate, CoQ10, Ha-Collagen Formula, Ginger, Wild Raw Honey.

#15. EXERCISE + PLAY! – MOVE free style to music, to poetry, during the news, while listening to audio program, while singing, dreaming, wishing, frustrated, planning, celebrating, let it out and make SOUNDS to release & truly experience your EMOTIONS! ^This may be the last item on List, but it can be the FIRST thing you DO!

**PDF also contains BONUS List of creative activities
**Plus – YOUTUBE LINKS for 16 Free Video Demos on Self-Care Health Habits

Marci Javril

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