Home Training for Health Pros – Teachers

Marci Javril, BCMTMB, CMT, CST Master Bodyworker • Movement Therapist • Yoga Educator

[mailing address} 13428 Maxella Ave. #136 Marina del Rey, CA 90292 U.S.A. (310) – 486-4753  

InService Training for Health Professionals • ENHANCE YOUR PRACTICE!

Appropriate for: Massage Therapist, Esthetician, Colon Hydrotherapist, Chiropractor, Acupuncturist, Dermatologist, Cosmetologist, Nurse, OBGYN, Doula, Physician, Surgeon, any health pro who has insurance for offering healing touch.

Course Syllabus: LYMPH & Internal Organs DETOX MASSAGE

First Level Classes: Melting Touch Method© is a simplified yet effective treatment protocol for Hands-on Bodywork for friends and an emphasis on Self Massage that activates Lymphatic Drainage and stimulates the digestive and elimination functions. Gentle, repetitive touch is applied to melt, dissolve, and carry away congestion of the deep and superficial channels in the torso, neck and head. Wonderfully easy and dramatically effective, it enhances better immune response and activates the para-sympathetic nervous system for deep relaxation and rejuvenation.

Step-by-step, useful to beginner or advanced practitioner, lay-person or health professional, this course is designed to help you understand the Principles of how to touch, and to apply them in different situations. Contra-indications, simplified anatomy thru metaphor and models, appropriate draping, nutritional guidelines, charts and references. NO PRE-REQUISITE!!

Second Level Classes: Melting Touch Method© & Abdominal Integrity consists of preliminary lecture/anatomy with emphasis on Hands-on Bodywork practicum. Case histories, conditions most commonly treated, appropriate use, contra-indications, special questions and examples will be discussed. Bibliography of suggested reading available. Charts and references will be provided.

Full details and class reference materials, charts, and pertinent articles will be provided. Classes will focus on Abdominal Integrity – exercises, stretches, nutritional guidelines, visualization, breathing, energy balancing. Questions, case studies, treatment programs, and other bodywork techniques will be given time for discussion. Some experience is essential. PRE-REQUISITE: 100 hours of massage or hands-on training, equivalency or by discretion of instructor .


LECTURE & INTRO TO SELF-MASSAGE What is the lymphatic system, how does it work, anatomical references – conditions most effectively treated- contraindications, case studies – cross-references to other bodywork systems – Self-Massage : Lymphatic Drainage in a simplified form – Abdominal Integrity and Health Maintenance

ABDOMEN, CHEST & FACE LYMPHATIC DRAIN Peristalsis in the Colon – “garbage disposal switch” – Abdominal softening for enhancing waste elimination, opening the filtering organs – Spleen and pericardium/ heart drains – Thoracic Duct: Sternum, intercostals, pectorals – Neck ducts and nodes, sinuses, occipital release – Re-establishing vacuum in the pleural cavity – Rhythms for opening the respiratory system

REFINING THE TECHNIQUES & FULL BODY DRAINAGE Putting it all together – Anatomy review and first meeting review – Sketching thru the pathways – Superficial and extremities drainage for the torso, arms & legs – Incorporating lymphatics into swedish/sports sessions

SOFT TISSUE/ ORGAN DRAINS for Abdominal Integrity & Pelvic Stability Fasting and Colon Cleansing for Self-Maintenance and Detox – Subtleties of lymphatic peristalsis, parasympathetic rhythm – Liver and Gall Bladder Drains – Psoas stretch – Urinary Bladder repositioning – Uterus repositioning – Kidney palpation -Pelvic & Respiratory Diaphragm Release, Thoracic Outlet Release, Cranial Base Release – Intestines & Ileo-cecal opening – Tibetan Reflex Zones – Naval Center Reading & Massage – Release for Inguinal & Gluteals – modified abdominal work during Pregnancy – Post-partum focus – Pubic Symphysis Release, Range of Motion for Hips – Pelvic Floor Exercises

POST-SURGICAL INTERVENTION Lymph and its role in the healing process – microfibers, adhesion formation, induration, filtration, para-symphathetic rhythm for rejuvenation – Learning how to palpate lymph and determine progressive program – Re-establishing perastalsis and pleural vacuum to avoid bowel obstruction or pneumonia Scar Tissue Massage – Incision softening and adhesion prevention – fibroblasts, re-elasticizing & fluidifying through touch, immediate post-op protocol, daily care and problems that may arise – Application to post-surgery patients

SURPRISE!! YOU CAN SOFTEN OLD SCARS (yes, VERY old) – create more homogenous tissue, reduce discoloration, loosen adhesions and dissolve “undertugging”, drain edemic pooling, open myofascial layers, promote overall cosmetic improvement, avoid subsequent surgeries or cortisone. Application to wart removal, tattoo removal, burns, plastic surgery, compression adhesion injuries, limited range-of-motion due to adhesion. M.Javril ©1998-2022 all rights reserved

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