EDGAR CAYCE’s Remedy for many ailments

Castor OilI first learned about Castor Oil Packs in my 30’s, looking for natural healing methods to help my liver recover from 12 years of drugs, alcohol, disease and bad habits. I would put a large pack on my liver for 60+ minutes 2-3X a week, whenever I did a Cleanse. I did 2 or 3 Cleanses a year for 5 years. See my Book for more details on the Program I developed.

The following is a wonderful article from the Cayce Foundation on How to Do It Yourself! ENJOY and may your healing journey continue ~MJ

most common – Place on Liver for blood, brain, detox ; place on abdomen for indigestion, gas, bloating, constipation ; for PMS on breasts ; for acheyness on limbs ; for lymph node swelling ; for arthritis in joints ; for chest congestion ; on back of neck for brain fog ; to soften scar tissue ; to reduce pregnancy stretch marks : to alleviate itchy rash ; place on chest to calm allergies.

Draws out toxins, permeates tissue with softening and nutrients, allows for internal organs to come to natural balance, relaxes body and helps move Central Nervous System into para-sympathetic rhythm.

SEARCH via iHERB products – Castor Oil, Flannel Pieces – DIGESTIVE AIDS – Papain, probiotics, Choloroxygen, Diatomaceous Earth, Activated Charcoal, Psyllium Seed, Cascara Sagrada, Bentonite Clay.

How to Make a Castor Oil Pack

An instructional video on how to make a castor oil pack based on the health readings given for the pack by the “father of holistic medicine” Edgar Cayce.



Castor Oil was recommended by Edgar Cayce for treating many ailments that resist traditional therapies. It can be applied as a balm for skin problems, a soothing tonic for alleviating allergies, and as a “castor oil pack.” Known to conventional medicine only as a strong laxative, this extract of the castor bean is a safe, gentle, easy-to-use remedy for virtually any illness-when it is used externally.

What Is a Castor Oil Pack?

A castor oil pack is an external application of castor oil to the body. A piece of wool (or cotton) flannel is saturated with castor oil and applied to a specified area with, or without, heat. The Cayce readings recommend castor oil packs in general to improve assimilations, eliminations, and circulation (especially of the lymphatic system) and in particular to breakup adhesions of the lacteal glands. Although this therapy may seem unusual, it is one of the best documented. It was recommended, as part of a holistic approach, for epilepsy, gallstones, scleroderma, constipation (and other intestinal conditions)—just to name a few.



Marci Javril

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