Best Head Massage
for yourself or with a partner!
I had a really fun time on Dr. David Allan, CEO at David Allan Wellness‘ podcast (part of a Course he is offering), transmitting as much info as I could, packed into a short time. The lymphatic system is your “Invisible Internal Shower”, and you can increase circulation with your own hands.
Gentle lymph massage flushes out toxins, wastes, bacteria, etc. So now you know how to get your head clear! Follow my self-care demo here.
Once you learn how to work on yourself, you can work with an appropriate partner. Emphasis on gentle lymphatic drainage for relieving lymph node swelling, congestion, sinusitis, allergies, coughs, flu, sore throat, brain fog, insomnia, dental issues, and jaw tension.
This sequence is a brief version of another class I teach, involving many more massage moves! CALL ME for lessons – 310-306-9838